Our Service

Best Featruse
Executive Search

Finding the right human resources in order to enhance the human operations is the core to building a creative workforce.

Sourcing and Selection

Strength Group offers a highly professional and specialized sourcing and selection. The sourcing and selection of executives

Contract Staffing

Depending on the client requirements, Strength Group provides with qualified candidates on long term assignments.

Interim Placements

Productive and reliable people to fill in for vacations, unplanned absences, emergency situations or to staff-up for peak.

Payroll Solutions

Streamlined and error free payroll outsourcing solutions can unwind your business insights and forward your business

Training and Development

Your employees are the greatest asset, so develop them to their full potential. Training ensures the randomness

Project Support Services

Strength Group has the expertise, experience, and capacity to provide your projects with a tailored and scalable solution